Erika Damato
MBBS(Lond), BA, MA(Cantab), MRCP(UK), MRCOphth
Dr. Damato is one of a handful of highly specialist consultant Medical Ophthalmologists in the UK, specialising in ocular inflammation, uveitis and thyroid eye disease. She is recognised nationally as an authority on the complex management of Thyroid Eye Disease patients. She leads the Regional Medical Ophthalmology service at Addenbrooke’s hospital, Cambridge, which is recognised as a specialist centre for uveitis. In addition, she runs the immunosuppression clinics within the Orbital service at Moorfields Eye hospital, directly managing complex patients with thyroid eye disease and orbital inflammation, associated with systemic inflammatory disorders.
Following three years of training in internal medicine in the South West, Dr Damato trained in medical ophthalmology at Bristol eye hospital for seven years, with fellowship experience in Liverpool and Auckland, New Zealand. She worked as a consultant at the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre for three years before taking up her current post at Cambridge.
She has a strong interest in systemic disease and the eye and medical therapies and is experienced in the use of immunosuppression and biologic therapies where relevant. She adopts a holistic approach to patient care, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary management.
As a Medical Ophthalmologist, Erika specialises not only in orbital inflammation and Thyroid eye disease, but also Uveitis, Scleritis, Dry eye and Diabetic Retinopathy
Dr Damato has published widely on a range of topics in her field of ocular inflammation. She is also principle investigator in a number of ongoing clinical trials in thyroid eye disease and uveitis both at Moorfields eye hospital and Addenbrooke’s hospital, Cambridge.
Dr Damato acts as training program director for medical ophthalmology in the Eastern deanery. She has been heavily involved in the training of junior doctors and frequently lectures at regional and national meetings.
Her particular areas of expertise include the following conditions: |
Thyroid eye disease |
Orbital inflammation |
Uveitis |
Scleritis |
Dry eye |
Medical Retina |
Diabetic Retinopathy |
Inflammatory disorders of the ocular surface |
Immunosuppression |