Benefits of Upper or Lower Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Daniel Ezra, 14 August 2020

Upper or lower eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a functional or cosmetic facial surgery. It aims to improve a ‘tired eyes’ look by removing excess skin, fat and muscle. It is a low-risk procedure that offers a significant improvement in appearance and, often, an improvement to the field of vision.
Key benefits of undergoing an Eyelid Surgery
1. Look more youthful
A common reason why people seek to undergo eyelid surgery is to appear more youthful. As we age, our eyelid skin is often one of the first places where we notice the signs of ageing. As the skin losses elastic fibres and collagen levels deplete, it can lead to sagginess and drooping of the skin, leading to problems over time and an older appearance.
While this happens to everyone, some people may have a higher predisposition to saggy or droopy eyelids. An upper eyelid surgery, often combined with ptosis surgery, treats the problem and gives a fresher and younger look.
2. Appear less tired
Appearing “tired” is a common reason why patients wish to undergo eyelid surgery. That happens due to the heaviness of the eyelids and the presence of eye bags that usually leave them with a run-down, exhausted appearance. Moreover, sagging eyelids can make the eyes appear partially closed, which adds to the tired, sleepy appearance.
After a blepharoplasty procedure, patients are generally happy with the outcome, with many commenting on how well-rested and refreshed they look.
3. Boost your confidence
If your appearance makes you feel self-conscious and unhappy with how your eyes look, then eyelid surgery could be the solution. Many patients say the procedure was life-changing, making them happier and more confident afterwards.
4. A smoother forehead
Those whose upper eyelids are affecting their vision field may often have to raise their eyebrows to see better. Repeated forehead lifting contributes to the development of deep lines and wrinkles, making us appear older.
After the upper eyelid surgery, you have removed the extra weight and no longer have to lift the brows to see clearly. Also, this can help reduce the development of wrinkles along with it!
5. Correct visual impairments
In some people, saggy upper eyelid skin can cause visual problems. This happens as a result of skin obstructing the visual field, making it difficult to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Besides being a cosmetic procedure, blepharoplasty is also functional since it removes obstruction and improves vision.
6. Long-term improvement
Unlike other cosmetic procedures, a blepharoplasty offers a long-lasting solution to tired eyes. As the results are long-term, most patients will not feel the need to come back in for a repeat procedure.
Of course, the ageing process will continue, and results will vary from person to person. However, in most people, a well-performed blepharoplasty procedure should last between 10-15 years.
7. Minimal scarring
One significant benefit of blepharoplasty is that the scarring is barely noticeable, especially compared to other facial cosmetic procedures. In upper and lower eyelid surgery, the scarring is minimal, and incisions are carefully hidden in the skin’s natural folds and under the lash line.
Usually, there is only a small scar extending out by a few millimetres into the “crow’s feet” area. But, for most patients, this is not a problem and others generally do not notice it. This allows you to decide whether you wish to tell anyone about your procedure.
8. Fewer misunderstandings
As our eyes are central to how other people read our expressions and engage with us, it can be frustrating to be misunderstood because of our natural appearance. If your eyes make you appear tired, angry, or upset when you are not feeling that way, this can cause lead to some rather awkward interactions.
Upper and lower eyelid surgery can help improve your facial expressions and your social interactions by making you appear more friendly and approachable to others.
Thinking of undergoing eyelid surgery?
Eyelid surgery can improve your appearance, make you look younger and enhance your field of vision, leading to a happier, more confident you. Visit our gallery to view before and after blepharoplasty images from past patients.
Whatever your motivations, it is vital to seek advice from a qualified oculoplastic surgeon. To book a consultation with Daniel Ezra, contact us on 020 8038 7692 or fill out the contact form.