Tear Trough Fillers Masterclass
Course Information
The tear trough groove is one of the most aesthetically important areas of the face. Effective treatment of the tear trough can give spectacular results, but this area is also the most technically difficult to treat effectively. The thinness of the tissues under the eyes means that this is a very unforgiving location to treat. Even small volumes of filler can appear lumpy, irregular and prone to swelling. It also carries the small but real risks of blindness from vascular occlusion or retrobulbar haemorrhage.
Join us for a full-day course at our Harley Street clinic, where we discuss the lessons learned from unique expertise in treating thousands of patients. The course includes an in-depth understanding of the anatomy of the tear trough, patient and filler selection, recognising and treating complications and the use of hyalase therapy in this area. This course will help to perfect your injection technique in this area.
With just ten delegates per course, it’s a unique opportunity to learn from oculoplastic surgeons, Mr Daniel Ezra and Miss Caroline Wilde. We demonstrate the 3-point-tangent injection technique, with each delegate receiving one-to-one injection training on patients. We encourage delegates to bring their own models, but patients can usually be invited by the Ezra Clinic if required.
This course is aimed at doctors, dentists and advanced aesthetic nurse practitioners with foundation training in dermal fillers who want to take their practice to the next level. Delegates will complete the course with a comprehensive understanding of the tear trough and a perfected injection technique.

Before and after tear trough fillers
* Limited availability
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Mr Daniel Ezra
MA(Cantab)MMedEd MD(Cantab) FRCS(G)FRCOphth FHEA
Daniel Ezra is the director of the oculoplastic Surgery at Moorfields Eye Hospital. He specialises in all aspects of cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid surgery and lacrimal disease. His private practice at 152 Harley Street is one of the busiest in the UK with a 12-month wait for appointments. He is an internationally recognized authority on periocular aesthetics and is regularly invited to lecture at academic meetings. He is one of the most widely published specialists in the field with over 100 published articles and book chapters on eyelid surgery. He has a passion for teaching and education, holding a Master’s Degree in Medical Education.
Miss Caroline Wilde
MbChB MRes FRCOphth
Caroline Wilde is an ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgeon, specialising in both surgical and non-surgical procedures around the eyes, forehead, and mid-face. She was awarded a distinction for her Masters of Research at UCL and now focuses on research in aesthetic oculoplastics.
After completing seven years of ophthalmology training and two fellowships at the renowned Moorfields Eye Hospital, she was invited by her mentor, Mr Daniel Ezra, to join his distinguished Harley Street team.
This course includes:
- Full-day course
- Advanced tear trough training
- Learn how to get amazing, natural results
- Supervised live injection opportunities for each delegate
- Only 10 delegates per course
- One to one live patient treatment for every delegate
- Post-course support by the Ezra Clinic for 6 months
- Course Handbook
Course Details
Book at 0207 127 8184 or email karen@danielezra.co.uk
* Limited availability
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